Methods Labs
Methods Labs: An Overview
Complementing our Online Methods Seminar Series, MethodsNW organises and runs a Methods Labs strand. Methods Labs offer opportunities for postgraduate and academic researchers to come together to work intensively for a concentrated period of time around particular methods or methodologies. Normally running for half or full days, the Methods Labs format is dynamic and flexible, and MethodsNW will support those delivering the Labs to ensure they are configured effectively as well as providing funding.
MethodsNW will work closely with the NWSSDTP on the Methods Labs, with particular Methods Labs organised by, for instance, thematic priority area leads annually. However, the Methods Labs also reflect our core priorities in supporting PGR access to the state-of-the-art in existing methods and methodologies as well as creating spaces where it is possible for PGRs to explore, collaborate around and thus help contribute to exciting new methodological developments in, across and beyond the social sciences.
Rather than take a prescriptive approach, MethodsNW invites proposals for Methods Labs in any and all areas. These may be closer to more traditional seminars, workshops or master classes but could also take the form of hackathons, data fests, datathons and involve exhibits, models, performances or live curated displays with new technologies. Whatever form they take, however, the emphasis will be on involving those in attendance in direct and engaging ways.
Collaboration between institutions on the Methods Labs is desirable but researchers from individual institutions can also take the lead on specific labs without having to secure academic involvement from other institutions ahead of time.
To apply, please complete our application form here.
Institutional Contact:
For administrative purposes it is important that each MethodsNW funded project has a named member of academic staff in the lead institution willing to act as a contact. Normally, if it a PGR student led initiative this will be the supervisor, or the institutional lead for MethodsNW in the lead institution:
University of Central Lancashire: Emily Cooper – and Sarah Kingston –
Keele University: Santiago Amietta, Links@Keele –
University of Lancaster: Gary Potter, Methods@Lancaster –
University of Liverpool: Michael Mair, Engage@Liverpool –
University of Manchester: Emma Banister Methods@Manchester