Past conferences


Past conference details

methods@manchester Summer School

PopFest 2016: the 24th Annual Population Postgraduate Conference

4-6 July 2016

Venue: University of Manchester, Humanities Bridgeford Street Building

PopFest is an annual Population Studies conference for postgraduate students organised by fellow postgraduates. It provides an excellent opportunity to bring together researchers from various Social Science disciplines such as Demography, Human Geography, Urban and Landscape Planning, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Social Statistics, Politics and other related fields.

There will several sessions on a wide range of different topics, chaired by students. In addition, renowned keynote speakers and panel members will address the most recent topics in the field of population studies and discuss the policy implications. These sessions provide great opportunities to learn about current population-related developments A number of workshops will be run during the workshop on topics such as ‘How to get published’ and ‘Exploring careers outside academia’ and there will be social events organised in the evenings for participants to enjoy.

Prizes will be awarded for the best poster and presentation and the winners will also have the opportunity to publish their work on Demotrends – an online forum written and curated by population researchers. Please visit for more information on their publications.

More information available from the PopFest website.

Registration deadlines:

Early bird registration (£50) ends on Friday 20 May 2016, and standard registration (£60) ends Friday 17 June 2016.

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6th Postgraduate Science and Technology Studies (STS) Conference

21-23 March 2016

Venue: Lancaster University

Students interested in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Feminist Technoscience are invited to join the 6th postgraduate conference for Science and Technology Studies held at Lancaster University.

Building on the success of the previous years, PhD and MA students are invited to present their work, receive and give feedback, and learn about the variety of STS research that is carried out in the North West of England. The conference will continue to provide a supportive and engaging interdisciplinary atmosphere for the development of STS work-in-progress.

Presentations will be held on Tuesday the 22nd of March and Wednesday 23rd of March with a keynote lecture on the 21st of March to open the conference.

Learn more about the kinds of STS work happening within the North West, and become part of a community of STS researchers. Learn from the feedback given to presenters by faculty and student rapporteurs!

Submission of abstracts

The deadline for abstract submissions (max. 300 words) is Monday 18th January 2016.


Accepted speakers are asked to prepare a paper prior to the conference which will be read by one member of faculty and one student rapporteur. As peer reviewing is an important academic skill, speakers are also asked to give feedback on another student’s paper. Feedback on the paper will be given after the presentation.

The paper must not be more than 5,000 words. The deadline for the paper is Monday 29th February 2016.

Other important dates

Registration will open on 1st February 2016.
Early bird rate £15 available until 29th February 2016 (£20 thereafter).
Registration deadline is 14th March 2016

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Advanced Quantitative Methods

3 November 2015   10.30am – 5.00pm

PGR Mini- Symposium, Room G33, Humanities Bridgeford Street Building, University of Manchester

The mini-symposium is intended to give all AQM students in the third year (the cohort with start year 2013/14) in the NWDTC an opportunity to report on their progress to an audience of their peers. Attendants will include students in their first and second years of their PhD that will be able to see and experience the breath of quantitative research across the DTC. The day will end with a keynote presentation demonstrating the advancement of advanced quantitative methods in the Social Sciences. Attendance will be compulsory for year two and year three students and highly recommended for new 1st year students.

Further details about the symposium and speakers available in the event programme.

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Advanced Quantitative Methods

4 June 2014   10.30am – 5.00pm

PGR Mini- Symposium, Rendall Building, LT-8, University of Liverpool

The mini-symposium provides second-year AQM students an opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from experienced users of advanced quantitative methods (supervisors of the AQM students). Each student will have 20 minutes at their disposal: 15 minutes for talk followed by 5 minutes for discussion. The presentation should cover the following aspects of the PhD project: background, objectives, methods, data and results. First and third-year AQM students must participate in the mini-symposium and are encouraged to contribute to discussion.
Further details about the symposium and speakers available in the event programme.

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NWDTC Joint Economics/AQM/Social Stats PhD Conference

16th – 17th May 2013 – Lancaster University Management School

This conference, hosted by Lancaster University, will be an experimental joint Economics, Social Statistics and AQM conference aimed primarily at NWDTC PhD students and their supervisory teams, but all are welcome. There will be a plenary keynote speaker and then parallel sessions in which 2nd and 3rd year students will present their work.

The conference is in the – now famous – Everett format: two half days with an excellent conference dinner in between to allow plenty of opportunity for networking and ease of travel arrangements. Overnight accommodation is available (free to students) on the 16th.

16 May

11:30-13:00 Arrival and Registration; lunch available from 12:00.
13:00 Key note Speech: Professor Daniel Hamermesh University of Texas at Austin and Royal Holloway University of London
14:00 Parallel sessions 1 and 2.
15:30 Refreshment Break
16:00 Parallel sessions 3 and 4.
17:30 Close
19:00: Dinner at: Lancaster House Hotel

17 May

9:00 Possible 2nd key note speech (TBC)
9:30 Parallel sessions 5 and 6
11:00 Refreshment break
11:30 Parallel sessions 7 and 8
13:00 Lunch

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Advanced Quantitative Methods

25 March 2013   10.30am – 5.00pm

PGR Mini- Symposium, Rendall Building, University of Liverpool

The mini-symposium provides second-year AQM students an opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from experienced users of advanced quantitative methods (supervisors of the AQM students). Each student will have 20 minutes at their disposal: 15 minutes for talk followed by 5 minutes for discussion. The presentation should cover the following aspects of the PhD project: background, objectives, methods, data and results. First and third-year AQM students must participate in the mini-symposium and are encouraged to contribute to discussion.

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